It’s more common than any other time to share your files with different users in your office. There are lots of modern businesses that operate without the conventional workflow of desk-based. They run on bring your device (BYOD) policy that has become more commonplace.
The issues are that it can pose for many businesses when your employees are working on different operating systems. Also, it’s the same for them if they’re using different devices. Moreover, file formatting is a great issue when the file has not made and use from a single computer.
You can rotate PDF document online and offline to solve the issue, but it’s vital to ensure using the best formats of files sharing after you ensure proper security to protect pdf file. So, let’s know some about the best formats below:
PDF File Sharing
This file-sharing format has designed and involved to make able to simple sharing of your files between users. Keeping in mind the issue of portability, PDF has been developed. So, it’s a big part of making sure consistent document formatting for all platforms.
You can argue of the format as the most useful one with a large number of smart devices and tablets. Also, it’s the format that offers a bigger variety of gadget sizes along with different operating systems. The largest strength of this format is that it has greater flexibility.
You’ll get two major types of PDF files, such as Raster PDF and Vector PDF. When you need to maintain completely consistent file formatting, the way you should go is raster PDF. Besides, using embedded fonts, a vector PDF makes the individual text and lines on the page.
In addition, it’s very easy to convert files from MS Word or other Windows formats. You’ll find a wide range of apps out there in the market that will help you to make your conversion in a simple way. When you get the PDF files, you’re able to send anyone. Also, they can view it on any OS and in the most devices.
TIFF File Sharing
Sometimes it’s known as TIFF and TIF as well, but it’s actually the Tagged Image File Format. The format was initially developed as a suite to scan the hard copies of the documents. It has developed from the need to handle scanned files in the 1980s and the format was created for this purpose.
As it’s able to maintain and shareable, you’ll find its lineage that makes it an ideal format. Also, this format is mainly image based on the raster PDF. As a result, it doesn’t render a font and text individually. But, it renders the entire page as one page of the image.
There are some other benefits of using TIFF, including it offers high-quality documents with an original-like copy. Also, it comes with better security features and viewable on almost all the latest devices. Like PDF, it’s also easy to convert files, but the process is as simple as fast. Also, it is easy to use the format that the outputs are viewable on most devices and OS.